Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Molon Labe: When Someone Comes to Take Your House

Molon labe—they may seem like two unassuming words, but they carry huge impact. These words are reportedly what the Spartan General-King Leonidas said in reply to Xerxes, the Persian Emperor, when the latter demanded Leonidas and his 300-strong army to lay down their arms and surrender. In English, molon labe means ‘come and get it’, a classical expression of defiance.

Molon labe has been used many times since, becoming the signature battle cry for people who wage war against oppression and refuse to be trampled by men who would deprive them of their God-given right to live free. For homeowners facing foreclosure, molon labe is not only a battle cry—it’s a state of mind.

When you are threatened with foreclosure, you can’t just hand over your deed to your lenders. You need to fight tooth and nail to get your home back. Don’t worry, you don’t have to take on your enemy alone—dedicated and hardworking foreclosure attorneys understand your plight and will fight the good fight with you.

King Leonidas had his loyal soldiers, and you have your foreclosure attorneys. When those lenders come knocking to take your home away, get ready to make a stand and say: Molon Labe. Come and get it.


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